Searching by Name

When you search by a name (like an operator name, lease name, etc.), The system always searches for something that starts with that name.  So, for example, if you search for an operator Exxon, it will find operators like Exxon,  Exxon Mobil,  Exxon-Mobil,  Exxon Corp.  etc.  It will not find The Exxon Corp because it doesn't start with Exxon.


Try not to over specify a name.  For example, if you search for Exxon Corp., it will not match Exxon Corp (the period is missing).  It would miss Exxon.   In this example, it is best to search for Exxon.


You can search for multiple names by separating them by the vertical bar "|" symbol. So, for example, search for production from either Mobil Oil or Exxon by entering Mobil Oil | Exxon  


(Note – Try using the wildcard character, the percentage sign ‘%’, before the text string to match names that contain the string.)