Home > Search Wizard > Production > DRI File Spec
Format Version 2.4
All strings (leases names, comments, will have commas replaced with spaces)
CI means Case-Insensitive. When reading it, ignore case.
CS means Case-Sensitive. When reading it, do not ignore case.
DT means a string representing a Date in the format mm/dd/yyyy .
TM means a string representing a local Time in 24 hr format. The format is hh:mm:ss
String(x) means a Ascii String of x characters or less. It will never contain a comma.
Float means a floating point value.
NULL means no characters (except possibly spaces) between the commas delimiting the field.
A-record (One per file)
1 Vendor tag (CI)String(32). Always "DrillingInfo". Loads should look for this in a case-insensitive manner to verify this is a DrillingInfo generated file
2 File type (CI)String(4). This file type is "DRI".
3 File Version (CI)String(8). The version of this file.
4 Generator Version (CI)String(8). The version of the program that create the file
5 Generation Date (DT).
6 Generation Time (TM).
7 Unique tag (CS)String(32). A unique set of characters that identifies this dataset.
8 Comments (CS)String(255).
B-Record (zero or more per A-Record) is a unit of production reporting (Lease in Texas)
1 LeaseID Primary key from DI database (CI)String(32). This uniquely identifies the unit. DrillingInfo guarentees that there will be a one-one mapping this ID to the unit in the US. .
2 Lease Name (CI)String(65). The (reporting unit)lease name. It does not uniquely identify the lease and may change.
3 Lease ID (CS)String(32). The (reporting unit) lease ID as maintained by whatever regulatory agency collects the data.
4 Operator Name (CS)String(64) The name of the operator. It may be NULL
5 Operator Number (CI)(String)(16) The operator number as defined by the regulatory agency. It may be NULL
6 Field name (CI)(String)(64) The Field that the lease is in. It may be NULL
7 Field Number (CI)(String)(16) The number associated with the field as defined by the requlatory agency. It may be NULL
8 Comments (CS)String(255).
9 State Abreviation
10 County Name. The wells of a lease can span counties. If this is the case, one at random is chosen.
11 Oil Gatherer
12 Gas Gatherer
13 Oil Prior Cum (BO). This will be empty if the value is unknown.
14 Gas Prior Cum (MCF). This will be empty if the value is unknown.
15 Reservoir Name
16 Phase is one of 2 Strings, OIL or GAS. If the phase is unknown or other, this will default to OIL. Because this, it is preferable to use the Well Type Text of the C record for the individual well.
17 WellNumber. Will be empty if there is more than 1 well per lease.
C-Record (zero or more per B-Record) is a API, if one or more exist. There may be D records without C-Records. The C records appear after all the D records associated B record.
1 API # (CI)String(12). API is written like 01-175-00123. There may or may not be leading zeros.
2 Latitude (Float). The latitude. It may be NULL
3 Logitude (Float). The logitude. It is negative in the US. It may be NULL
4 wellNumber (CI)String(16) The well number as defined by the operator. It may be NULL
5 Comments (CI)String(64)
6 Section
7 Township
8 Range
9 MeridianNumber
10 Abstract-Number (tx only)
11 SurveyName (tx only)
12 SurveySection (parts of Tx only)
13 SurveyBlock (parts of Tx only)
14 LeaseID Primary key from DI database
15 State Abreviation
16 County Name
17 Well Status Text (P&A, producing, etc.) This text is state dependent.
18 Well Type Text (Oil, Gas, Injection, etc)
19 Well Total Depth (new to V2.4)
20 Texas RRC District (new to V2.4)
D-Record (zero or more per B-record) is a month of production.
There is one record for each month reported by the agency. Months with zero production reported are included (provided they are reported). If the agency reports for some time, then stops, then starts again, records will be created to fill in the gap. However, if an agent reports, then stops, and does not report again, no records will be created forward of the last reported month. The D records appear imediately after the associated B record
1 Reporting date (DT). The day of (DT) may well be meaningless.
2 Oil production (Float). The oil production for that month, in barrels.
3 Gas production (Float). The Gas production for that month, in MCF.
4 Water production (Float). The water production for that month, in Barrels. It will be NULL for texas in the near term
5 Total Wells (int)
6 Days produced (int). Maybe zero if not known.
7 LeaseID Primary key from DI database (Int)
E-Record (zero or more per C-record) is a Bottom Hole. The E records appear after the associated C.
1 Well API# will match the corresponding C record
2 Latitude (Float). The latitude. It may be NULL
3 Logitude (Float). The logitude. It is negative in the US. It may be NULL
4 Section
5 Township
7 Range
7 MeridianNumber
8 Abstract-Number (tx only)
9 SurveyName (tx only)
10 SurveySection (parts of Tx only)
11 SurveyBlock (parts of Tx only)
12 Measured Depth
13 Total Vertical Depth
F-Record (zero or more per C-record) is a Test. The F records appear after the E records that appears after the associated C record.
1 Well API# will match the corresponding C record
2 Test Date (DT)
3 Daily Oil (or Cond?) BO/D
4 Daily Gas (mcf/D) (Float)
5 Daily Water BO/D (Float)
6 Deliverableity
8 FP (Flowing Pres)
9 LP (line Pres)
10 SITP (Shut in Pres)
11 Shut In date
12 Oil ( and Condensate ?) Gravity
13 Gas Gravity
14 BHP/Z
15 Z
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. G-Record (zero or more per C-record) is a Perforation. The G records appear after the F records that appears after the associated C record.
1 Well API# will match the corresponding C record
5 PerforationID is a integer key that uniquely identifies the perf.
2 Perf Date (DT) might be a completion date
3 Bottom Depth
4 Top Depth
5 Formation, Reservoir or Zone
6 State regulatory Formation ID