Windows98/Me Problems

If you are having problems with windows that fail to open when you click on links and you are running Windows98 with Internet Explorer, then you are experiencing a known limitation in Windows98 and ME.


If you are experiencing this problem, the only solution (short of upgrading to Windows 2000 or XP) is to reboot your PC when you have these problems.  I appears that Microsoft has no plans to fix the problem since WindowsME is the last of that type of operating system.


List of related symptoms

1) New window does not open when you click a link

2) Window opens but is blank

3) Window opens, has information, but you cannot print

4) Windows crashes


Details of the problems

Windows98 and ME have problems that prevents too many browser windows (or any windows for that matter) from being generated.  A typical machine may allow 100 windows to be created before having problems.  This may no create a problem on many web sites since typical web sites create few, if any, new windows.  The Drillinginfo system makes extensive use of new windows so that you can view many things at once.