Permit Maps

Permits are displayed on the map as blue dots. Placing your cursor over a permit well, or dot, will generate a pop-up hover window with general permit summary information.  An example is shown below:



If you want to know more about the permit, click on the well or blue dot, and a Permit Summary pop-up window will appear that will allow you to find out more about the permit. An example is shown below:



A description of the links in the Permit Summary follows:


Permit Detail - Presents a facsimile of the original W-1 permit form for this permit.  Example of permit:



Well History / One-Page Prod Summary - Takes you to the Well History/ Production Summary Hub as shown below.  For a further discussion of the different links, see Production Maps.



Related Filings - Shows other permit, completion information associated with this wellbore.  For further information regarding the Completion links, see Completion Maps.



Strat Column - A generalized stratigraphic column for the area.


Play Data  - A listing of known plays for this area, with accompanying play descriptions.


Well Logs - Click here to see well log information if available..


Tag This Element - Add this well to MyInfo.


Here are some additional tips for the Permit tables:





See Map Help for more information.