Market View Search

A market view search is a specialized type of production search which returns information about severance tax payers, commodity prices, and gatherers.  It is selected on the first page of the Search Wizard.


Unlike the normal view, production search which returns one point for each lease or well, a market view production search returns one point for each unique lease-taxpayer-commodity in a given specific month.  The specific month is either the most recent month for which data exists (for example, if today is July 7, 2002, the most recent data is probably May 2002).  If you subscribe to the Marketing Package, you can select the specific month.


(Note &endash; Price data is available only for Texas.  It is updated approximately monthly and starts in 2000.)


Since a market view production search is so complex, an example best illustrates how it works.  



Lets say that today is July 7, 2002 and the most recent tax data is for May 2002.  Let's further assume that there is a one well Texas oil lease named "Big Gusher".  Let's further say that "Big Gusher" had two taxpayers that reported for Oil in May and one that reported Gas in April. (perhaps the Gas gather is not required to report in May)  If you do a market view production search for ”only wells that have produced oil or gas in the most recent month”, which would be May 2002 you will likely not see many productive wells (wells that produced in April) because those wells had taxpayers that did not report in May.  See Severance Tax Reporting for more information).


The Get Offset Wells feature is also affected by the view.  When your last search is a normal view, the get offset wells will return one point for each well with data for each point corresponding to lease production data (Cum production, last month production, etc.).  If your last search was a market view search, the get offset wells feature returns one point for each well-taxpayer-commodity for the specific month. See Get Offset Wells for more information.


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